Wednesday 6 December 2023

Another possible skirt weight


Back in September I blogged about how I'd found a possible nineteenth century skirt weight while gardening.

Well I've found another, a quite attractive one made of blue glass. I don't think there's anything significant in the colour, I suspect they were typically made of either recycled or waste glass.

But the colour is significant in another way. When I say I found it, I simply picked it up off an empty patch of dirt in the yard.

We've been having a problem with  a native bird (or birds) that has a liking for blue objects. They've picked out all the blue clothes pegs out of the peg basket and scattered them round the yard, and have stolen other blue items from elsewhere, including a pair ear defenders and a bright blue lanyard.

In this case, because the glass weight was lying on the surface of an undug patch of garden I suspect that a bird had picked it out of someone else's garden and dropped it here ...

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