Wednesday 9 October 2013


If you're someone who follows my twitter stream you may have noticed that I seem to post bursts of tweets around the same time every day.

This because I've taken to using Bufferapp to stage some of my tweets. Basically bufferapp is a little application that integrates nicely with Chrome and AddThis which allows you to put tweets into a buffer to be reposted later in the day.

I only use the free version, which means that my buffer is only 10 deep, but that seems to cover most of the tweets I'm likely to make in a day. I'm not obsessive compulsive about twitter, no matter what it seems like.

Why use it?

One could imagine lots of scenarios including making it look as if one was online when one wasn't but my reasons are a little different. Basically I tweet about two topics - geeky stuff to do with computing and data storage, and equally geeky stuff about history and archaeology. There is of course an overlap, for example, big digitisation projects and computational text analysis do provide a degree of overlap but in the main there are two topic groups and two topic audiences. (I had the the same thing with my blogs, which is why I split them - this one is more technically focussed, while the other one is a bit more discursive and random)

When I look at my twitter followers I can say very roughly that the computing and data people are in the same or adjacent timezones to me, but the people interested in the geeky history stuff are clustered in North America and Western Europe - of course that's not quite true, I have followers in South Africa and Chile to name but two, but it's a good enough approximation.

In other words the history followers tend to be between eight and eighteen time zones away from me on the east coast of Australia, and hence unlikely to be awake when I'm tweeting (well except for Chile and the west coast of America where there's a few hours of overlap).

So I've taken to using bufferapp to delay the tweets for that audience, which has the effect of de cluttering the feed for the computing and data people.

I'm still tweaking the schedule and I'm conscious (because some of my followers have said so) that some of both communities like a leavening of the other sort of information so it's not a hard split, and of course there's always the daily summary of the most popular tweets from both me and the people I follow ...
Written with StackEdit.

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