Friday, 18 March 2011

Ah well, there's still the Guardian ....

The New York Times has finally announced its paywall, which is not exactly a model of transparency but as far as I'm concerned has a simple result - access to one of the great liberal newspapers of the world has been turned off.

Now you could argue that I should subscribe to the Times, but it doesn't make sense - living in Australia most of the content is less than relevant - most days I skim the world news and tech headlines and read the odd article that's not syndicated elsewhere. I probably read more than 20 a month but less than 50, and that's simply not worth $15 a month.

However, it probably won't have any major effect. Sure I might miss a useful article or two, but I can live with that. What I will miss is an alternative viewpoint and a foil to the Guardian ...

1 comment:

Vellum said...

It's going to be sad not to read it. Oh well. I wouldn't have paid for the paper copy anyway.